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J Francisco Zermeño C
Hola. Yo soy de Concepción de Buenos Aires, Jalisco, México. Soy Gaucho, de UCSanta Bárbara. Soy profesor de español en Chabot College, desde 1978. Me pagan por hablar español...¡la vida es buena! Colecciono estampillas y el HombreAraña. Leo y escribo todos los días. My expertise, my goals, my classroom’s raison d’être is driven by the basic five C’s philosophy (shared by the best world language teachers): having the students really Communicate, develop their Critical Thinking Skills, teach them to make Comparisons, help them to learn something about a Culture, and have them make Connections with other areas of the curriculum. Of course, then I went Crazy, adding my own C’s: Community, Collectivity, Celebration and Creativity, all in Spanish, our Target Language. Teach On!

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